Thursday, December 27, 2007

Singing in Support of Terrorism and Charges Against Christianity

First the Video



"TV Host on Hamas TV, Child Saraa Barhoum, Sings: 'We Liberated Gaza by Force,'" from MEMRITV (thanks to Robert Novak at Jihad Watch):

Following are excerpts from a song performed by child TV host Saraa Barhoum, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on December 20, 2007:

Saraa Barhoum: We liberated Gaza by force, not by Oslo or by Taba -

but with my steadfast people, and with its blazing fire.

We liberated Gaza by force, not by Oslo or by Taba -

but with my steadfast people, and with its blazing fire.

Rafah sings, and the Kalashnikov replies.

Rafah sings, and the Kalashnikov replies.

We, who know no fear, are the lions of the jungle.

Look how beautiful our Gaza is. We crowned it with a laurel wreath.

This video just makes me cry. That there are people who would be teaching this to a little girl... it is unthinkable. This just shows how lost people get without Jesus. Being lost in darkness.

Am I against their culture? No. Their people? No. Their religion? No. That's right! I am not against their religion - I am against who their religion glorifies. I am against Satan who has deceived them. I do not want to kill any Muslims; I want to love them. I want them to see God's love.

Where I'm Going With This

A friend requested several of us to comment on something he found in the current book he is reading. I'll be posting a full response soon. Here is what he posted:

I found these listed in a latest book I am reading: Chameleon Christianity: Moving Beyond Safety and Conformity, by Dick Keyes.

I thought it would be interesting to ask each of you to rate your level of agreement with the charges below. 1 – strongly agree, 2 – agree, 3 – no opinion, 4 – disagree, 5 – strongly disagree. Reply with your responses.

1. The Christian faith is the enemy of pleasure, enjoyment, and fulfillment. It stands for inhibition, insecurity, and self-righteousness.

2. The Christian faith is the enemy of democracy and civility. Conservative Christians want political power to create a theocracy with places in leadership only for those who agree with them.

3. The Christian faith is the enemy of women. From the early history of the church, leaders established the inferior status of women in church and society and have resisted attempts to reform ever since.

4. The Christian faith is the enemy of gay people, as can be seen in the bumper sticker of a few years ago, “Kill a gay for Jesus.”

5. The Christian faith is the enemy of cultural diversity; it is an ethnocentric moral police force.

6. The Christian faith is the enemy of non-white races. This has been evident from a theological defense of race-based slavery to the starting of Christian schools as a way to avoid the integration of the public school system.

7. The Christian faith is the enemy of the environment. The biblical notion of dominion over the earth is at the root of our abuse of the natural world.

8. The Christian faith is the enemy of the arts. Christians have scorned the world of the arts as either Satanic or trivial and have produced nothing of artistic value for over a hundred fifty years.

9. The Christian faith is the enemy of science, education, and the advance of knowledge.

10. The Christian faith is the enemy of economic justice. It is a good religion for the fat cats who can interpret the Bible to legitimize their wealth and privilege.

One other thought. Choose one of the charges and reply with a short response.

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