Sunday, December 30, 2007

Country Music

I don't really get into Country music much.  It's not that the music is bad or anything, but it seems so often that the music sounds sad - and I don't like listening to sad music all of the time.  However I was flipping through the channels yesterday and I found a song that caught my eye, I mean ear.  At first I thought it was an interview with an old man.  I generally find that by listening to old folks I'll learn something important.  (Wise and old don't go together because they rhyme or roll off the tongue easily, but because it takes a long time to get wisdom.  As an aside, how often have you heard a phrase containing "wise young" - it exists, but not nearly as much as "foolish young" or "wise old.")

So anyway, CMT started this interview thing and it turned into a song:  Kenny Chesney's Don't Blink.  The family photo/video montage looks cool, the music sounds alright, but the words have great meaning.  I'm sure it will get lots of play because of it being the end of 2007. 

2008 is nearly here? Wow -- time flies.  Don't blink and don't waste it. 

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