Monday, February 13, 2006

Implanting electronic tags in workers

I object to implanting ID tags in humans for three major reasons.
  1. Security of information. If someone can legally read the ID tag information, someone can illegally read the ID tag information. I don't mind machine readable ID cards - either bar code or computer chip. I have a few myself. However, I can choose when and where they are read. When they can be read by a scanner remotely, I do not decide to whom the information goes.

  2. Privacy of information. I don't like the idea of being tracked everywhere I go. Yes, I know that cell phone companies can track me because of my cell phone, and I know I leave an electronic footprint every time I use my ATM/Credit card. I don't have anything to hide, but I don't like the idea of someone being able to surveil me remotely.

  3. Manipulation of information. The ability in the future to manipulate the information, either by a hacker or government agent disturbs me. Once the ID tag is associated with financial information, the concern increases. I don't think there is any current threat, but I've seen enough science fiction to not like the idea of contorl over a person.

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