Monday, December 12, 2005

Revamping Education

Michael Gurian argues the problem -- males aren't doing as well at school as they should be. Kate O’Beirne argues the cause -- the incorrect balance in education, favoring females to males. What will be the solution?

Should we return to single gender classrooms? Should we change the way classes are taught? I think part of the problem is that we are no longer giving young males the proper place to expend the extra energy they build up during the day. Excess energy that should be used constructively -- not used to play video games. Bring back shop class and the arts, have recess, encourage more hands-on learning, such as labs and other different learning-style beneficial tasks. Test scores will improve when the students are educated, not just prepared for a standardized test.

But above all, reintroduce motivation to learn. As a society, the United States is not ready for the new challenges before it. We need more people who are willing to put out the effort for higher education in the math and science fields. The earth won't be saved from global warming, pollution, and depletion of fossil fuels by expounding hot air over the regrets. We need people who can find the solutions. Families need to be more involved in the learning experience. If it takes a village to raise a child, the village should raise the child. No longer can the attitude be "what's in it for me" - it needs to be "what part am I doing."

Lastly, real education is needed. Open debate on opposing viewpoints to the same issue. Not teaching what to think, but teaching how to think. Not teaching a student to pass a test, but preparing a student for life's tests.

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